How to Extend the Life of Your Car

Expensive CarsPart 1 in a 2-Part Series

According to Kelley Blue Book, the average cost of a new car today is $36,270 – nearly five times the cost of most U.S. homes in 1950, which had a median price of $7,354. Since you invest so much in your vehicle, it’s in your best interest to take care of it so it will last as long as possible. To help in that regard, we have compiled our top 50 maintenance tricks for extending the life of your car. The first 25 appear below. Check back next week for the rest of our list.

Top 50 Car-Care Tips (First 25)Car Care Life

  1. Take it easy during the “break-in” period, which is typically the first 1,000 miles. Keep your speed under 55 mph or whatever speed is recommended by your vehicle manufacturer. We get that you want to go fast. But if you take care, your patience will be rewarded.
  2. Be careful on the road.
  3. Don’t race your engine.
  4. Accelerate slowly.
  5. Warm the engine by letting it sit idle before putting it into drive.
  6. Avoid driving at high speeds and accelerating quickly in very hot or very cold climate.
  7. Drive carefully to extend life of your tires. (They’re pricey, too!)
  8. Avoid hitting curbs and speed bumps, which can mess up alignment.
  9. Consolidate short trips. Doing several errands at once reduces the wear and tear on your engine.Errands To Do List
  10. Buy gas at reputable stations.
  11. If you see a tanker, fill up another day. Gas tankers inject fuel into underground tanks, disturbing sediment, which can negatively impact performance.
  12. Go easy in weather. If it’s snowing or raining, tread carefully. Carry traction aids in your car such as sand, gravel or kitty litter. Don’t rev your engine if you get stuck.
  13. Minimize key chain bling. Too much weight on your keychain can compromise performance of your ignition switch.
  14. Buy the right insurance. We work with insurance companies every day. And we speak from experience when we say all companies are not created equal. Do your due diligence when it comes time to purchase auto insurance.
  15. Keep careful records. Whether you opt for a low-tech notepad in your glove compartment or an app that stores key service info, keep track of what you do and when you do it. You’ll be amazed how often you refer to those records when it comes to auto repair.
  16. If you plan to store your car, fill the tank to prevent condensation from forming. Add a fuel stabilizer and wash and wax it to protect the finish.
  17. Whenever possible, park in the shade. Sun is the enemy of your car’s finish. Protect it by stowing in the garage at home and underground, whenever possible.
  18. Vacuum and sponge your car’s interior whenever you wash the outside. Abrasive dirt particles and liquids can corrode the inside of your car. Protect it as well as the outside.Car Car Snowy Road
  19. Clean dash gauges carefully. Use a soft damp cloth to lightly wipe dust from the dash. If you use an abrasive cloth, you could inadvertently scratch plastic covers, making the gauges illegible.
  20. Switch out your floor maps between seasons. No need to track mud and water into your car’s fabric mats. Instead, use rubber, water-resistant material.
  21. Keep your mats clean enough to eat off of. Okay, maybe you won’t want to host a picnic on the floorboards. But to protect the life of your vehicle’s carpet, keep it clean.
  22. Shampoo fabric interior in your car.Car Care Life of Car Covina
  23. Take care of window and door seals. If your car sits in the heat, the rubber surfaces will start to crack. These can be wiped with protective lotion and should be replaced if they start to degrade.
  24. Repair weather-stripping before it leads to interior damage.
  25. Condition leather. Don’t leave leather unattended. It can grow dry and brittle and crack. Split leather is not only unsightly, but it does not make a comfortable surface to sit on.

Check back next week, when we complete our top 50 list with 25 more life-extenders for your car.

Auto Body Repair CovinaAbout C&L Auto Body

Whether or not your car includes advanced systems, you have options when it comes to auto body repair needs which result from an accident. And it is illegal for your insurance company to demand you use one shop over another. The “go-to” partner for auto body repair in the San Gabriel Valley since 1970 is C&L Auto Body. We will even help you arrange for a rental car. And we will work directly with your insurance company, so you won’t have to! C&L Auto Body is owned and operated by the Buonsanti family, who strives to treat clients like family. Come by the shop at 781 E San Bernardino Road in Covina, contact us via email today, call (626) 445-6630 or visit