10 Reasons to Skip the Car Wash

10 Reasons to Skip the Car Wash

Auto Body Covina Car WashAs Southern California thermometers starts to climb, most of us feel embarrassed about the condition of our cars. After all, winter weather wreaks havoc on vehicle paint. And carpooling kiddos to school can total interiors. But, before you head to the local carwash and ante up $20 for a less-than-stellar job, consider the following reasons to avoid the trip altogether:

1. Abrasive Brushes

Even though most car washes have replaced abrasive brushes for softer ones, the slapping motion against the sides of your car is problematic. Consider the fact that most commercial carwash brushes are covered with grit from the cars that came before yours. In contrast, hand-washing with a dedicated car-wash product and a large, soft natural sponge or lambs-wool mitt will protect your car’s finish.Car Washes Covina

  1. Brushless Car Washes

Washing your car in a brushless car wash is like shooting it with a wet sandblaster. Tiny scratches, which are sometimes invisible to the naked eye, start to form. Swirl marks, scratches, and patchy clear coat removal are all risks that your vehicle will likely face if the car wash’s scrubbers are not properly cleaned and serviced. Eventually, these can spread into full-blown scrapes and dents, which will require body work to repair.

  1. Harsh Chemicals

Harsh Chemicals Car Wash CovinaSince it’s 2018, you probably think before using toxic chemicals inside your home. But have you thought about the formulas commercial car washes use to spray your car? Most can permanently damage car windows. While they quickly dissolve rust, dirt, and grime, most contain strong chemicals such as hydrofluoric acids. If left undiluted, these etch your glass. At C&L Auto Body, we only use products designed specially to clean vehicle windshields. Detailing your car will not only clean it on a deeper level, but protect it from harsh, acidic conditions. This will prolong your vehicle’s life.

  1. Acidic WaterHard Water Coffeemaker

Although most residents of So Cal prefer drinking filtered water, most of us don’t think twice about using chemically-treated municipal water on our cars. But the same hard water that can leave mineral deposits in your coffeemaker damages paint. One of the drawbacks of hard water is that it evaporates at such a fast rate, leaving permanent water spots in its wake.

  1. High Pressure

You may be okay with small chips in your car’s finish. But blasting these with high water pressure at close range packs enough power to do serious damage.

  1. Dirty Cloths

Car Wash CovinaMost of them are red. You’ve seen the fabric cloths car wash people use to dry cars as they come off the line. But, much like abrasive brushes, a dirty cloth can scratch paint. Fine dirt particles behave just like sandpaper.

  1. Damage to Antennas & Windshield Wipers

Exposed antennas on older cars and windshield wipers can snap because they fail to bend when exposed to hydraulic car wash arms. Also, high water pressure can damage the plastic gears that power windshield wipers. What’s more, side mirrors are vulnerable to damage, since large sheets of rubber slap them with great force.

  1. Ignoring the Small Stuff

Repeated washings at a commercial car wash leads to dust accumulation, which can compromise your car’s interior surfaces. You may not immediately notice the shoddy job most car washes do when it comes to interior cleaning. But in the same way repeated applications of untouched dust wears furniture inside your home, untouched dust inside your car can build up. This can eventually lead to rips and tears in upholstery, not to mention allergies! Dust Mites Allergies Car Wash

  1. Increased Risk of Theft

While not every commercial car wash cleaner is dishonest, the industry has a high turnover rate. So, do you really feel comfortable placing one of your most valuable assets in the hands of people who earn minimum wage? Valets and car washes have high incidents of fraud. C&L Auto Body is a family-owned business. We trust our employees and treat them as we do every customer – like family!

  1. Wheel Rash & Tire Scuffs

Car Washes CovinaMechanical car washes use wheels on rollers. Once your car goes into the line, you relinquish all control. Instead, guard rails keep the vehicle pointed toward the exit. They can literally chew-up alloy wheels. Most car washes are aware of this risk, which is why they post signs such as: “Not Responsible for Any Damage to Wheels or Tires.”

However, don’t forget, if your vehicle does get damaged significantly at the car wash, you can make an insurance claim against your insurance or theirs.

Mention this ad and take 10% off your deductible for any vehicle you bring to C&L Auto Body for detailing or other work covered by your insurance.

About C&L Auto BodyAuto Body Repair Covina

Next time you notice your car needs some TLC, bring it in to C&L Auto Body. We can detail your baby and return it to you in great condition. The “go-to” location for auto body repair and classic restoration in the San Gabriel Valley, since 1970, our company is known for attention to detail, courteous service, and fair and affordable prices. If you select C&L to repair your car, our concierge service will help make your entire auto body repair process easy on you. We will even help you arrange for a rental car and deal directly with your insurance company. C&L Auto Body is owned and operated by the Buonsanti family, who strives to treat clients like family. Come by the shop 781 E San Bernardino Road in Covina, call (626) 445-6630 or visit CandLAutoBody.com.